Thursday, September 10, 2020


As of September 2020, I will no longer be using this webpage. My new address is:

I look forward to a rewarding and a productive school year!

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Tickety-tock says the clock!

Alarm Clock Time Sticker by Tatiana for iOS & Android | GIPHY
All work that has been assigned for at-risk students and credit recovery is due no later than Friday, June 12th. 

I'll repeat that for good measure. 

Friday, June 12th is the last day work can be submitted. Please, please, PLEASE get your work in.  DO NOT wait until the last moment. That said, this is sort of last-minute as many have known about these assessments for months.

Credit-recovery students who are in Grade 12 English (either 3201 OR 3202): you all know you need the credit to graduate. Thanks to the work submitted since yesterday, some of you are closer to a pass. 

**If English is the only course you are not successful with at the moment, you all know you need to get it up to at least a 50 to earn the credit to graduate. I can't assess what hasn't been submitted. If you are currently not passing more than English, this will be one less subject to focus on when the new school year starts.**

Friday, June 5, 2020


On-line learning ends today - Friday, June 5th. 

I'll miss doing my updates. For those of you who aren't in credit recovery, happy official last day of school to you. How I wish our year together could have continued. We'd be at the start of exam review if classes were still in session.

If we have been in communication regarding work you need to submit, this message is for YOU. My employer and administrator have communicated the following.                      


All work that has been assigned for at-risk students and credit recovery is due no later than Friday, June 12th. I'll repeat that for good measure. Friday, June 12th is the last day work can be submitted. Please DO NOT wait until the last moment.

Credit-recovery students who are in Grade 12 English (either 3201 OR 3202): you all know you need the credit to graduate. 

**If English is the only course you are not successful with at the moment, you all know you need to get it up to at least a 50 to earn the credit to graduate. I can't assess what hasn't been submitted. If you are currently not passing more than English, this will be one less subject to focus on when the new school year starts.**

I can't assess what hasn't been submitted.

A number of you have been working on these overdue assessments since April. It's time to get those items in.

i can't with my feels final countdown gif | WiffleGif

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020


If we have been in communication regarding work you need to submit, this message is for you. My employer and administrator have communicated the following information. PLEASE NOTE:

  • On-line learning ends on June 5th. 

  • All work that has been assigned for at-risk students and credit recovery is due no later than Friday, June 12th. 
A number of you have been working on these overdue assessments since April. It's time to get those items in.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Time is ticking! 

I hope you're all doing well.

Monday, May 25, 2020


Updates have been made. Students who owe me work, the clock is ticking still. We are inching towards being done with the on-line learning of this school closure at a very fast pace. I know a few graduates  whose grade 12 English credit is at risk due to the current mark as well as work that is owing. There are a couple of grade 11 students who are in a similar situation. Please wait no longer and get your overdue work in. Any questions? Please let me know.

a) My email is working and is checked multiple times daily. (The spam folder is checked regularly as well.)

b) If you emailed me and it didn't, for whatever reason make it to my inbox, try again. My email address is:

c) Again, please, please, PLEASE get your overdue work in. Back in April, the date I had given to get late work in was in the first week of May. I've received very little work as of late.

As of May 25 and according to the NLESD Director of Education Tony Stack, home-learning plans will be suspended June 5 to allow teachers time to complete their final tasks and focus on preparing for 2020-21.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Updates have been made!

Surely y'all know the drill by now.:) Please refer to the links for the course you have with me for updated information. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know.

For students who still owe me work: tickety tock says the clock! Time is passing at an incredibly fast pace! 

It would not be advisable to wait until June to hand in the items you owe. The time is now! Please, please, PLEASE ensure you get your work in. My email, which receives receives numerous emails a day and has numerous messages sent by me, works just fine. Also, the spam folder is checked multiple times a day. Just to be clear, my email address is:

And to my dear graduates, I wish we could all be finishing our decorating this week and celebrating this milestone in person. Please join the Zoom meeting on Saturday! I hope to see as many of you there as possible. This is YOUR time. You've been looking forward to your Grad day. Covid-19 cannot take that away from you. I'm a little early but I want to wish you all, the Class of 2020, a Happy Graduation! My continued wish for you is every bit of happiness your heart can hold and success at every turn. Rest assured I'll be back at Menihek looking forward to updates and cheering you all on. 

Sunday, May 10, 2020


I hope this post finds you all in good spirits and in good health. As much as I am enjoying my time with my family (including my grumbling old lady pug), I miss you all and my school routines. If you have a moment to spare, please email and let me know how you're doing. It'd be nice to hear from you!

I forgot to post last week on this main page to say that I made updates. Sorry! In case this happens again, please be sure to check the individual course pages.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020


Hi everybody,

I hope this message finds you all in good spirits and in good health. I have  made some updates to the Home Study pages for each of my classes. Please stay tuned for updates that will happen each Monday (Tuesday at the latest). While the Covid-19 outbreak continues to cause some uncertainties in our society, please rest assured that I do have the best interests of your children and my students in mind. While I do wish teaching and learning could continue in person, we will have to make the best of the situation where we are and with what we have. There is no way my posts here could even come close to replicating my discourse and interactions within the classroom.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Stay safe and wash your hands,
Mrs. Pittman

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

School Suspension: An Important Update (April 7, 2020)

Dear students,
It is the evening of Tuesday, April 7. I was waiting for further direction and information from my administrators before posting additional work to my web page. The information my colleagues and I were waiting for came via a virtual staff meeting yesterday morning. 

I hope this message finds you all well and in good spirits. While this school suspension has offered some differences to how we typically conduct our days, the school year is far from over. It must be stressed that learning will continue in a variety of different ways.

You are more than well equipped for this transition to adapting to distance learning. You are the generation of students who have embraced technology and have been surrounded by it during your school years. While I will continue to miss our daily interactions and chats in the school setting, I am pleased with how this alternative to traditional schooling has been presented and will continue to unfold.

My web page will be updated every Monday to include learning tasks to be performed during the week. PLEASE NOTE: these learning opportunities have been created to supplement and not replace the curriculum outcomes. They are voluntary and your mark in my course will not be impacted if you choose not to complete them. You are encouraged, however, to actively engage in some form of reading and writing  to keep your skills sharp. You are also encouraged to register and continue learning via CDLI.

*Students who are currently failing a course, considered "at risk" (an average of 60 or below), or those who want to improve their overall mark will have a chance to do so through completing incomplete term three work and by completing the supplementary activities. As we don't know what the future holds regarding how the pandemic unfolds, we will take it day by day, week by week.

I only had a few updates to make regarding marks for term three regarding most of my courses. Speech marks that I could have sworn I had keyed in for everybody have now been uploaded for all. Sorry for any confusion there! You will note that in some courses, the cautionary "m" for missing has been updated with a zero for the incomplete work. The zero will not be permanent for your term three assessments (beginning of February to March 13) providing you get the completed overdue work in to me NO LATER than FRIDAY, May 1, 2020. 

Report cards will be published on April 22nd and represent the results for term three. As we are in a school suspension and not a closure as other provinces, the marks will not be final until June's report card. Some students will be content with their overall marks as they are. Others will need to take advantage of ensuring that all incomplete term three work gets done and submitted by the posted Friday, May 1 deadline. 

I check my email multiple times a day. You are welcome to share overdue work there or share it from your Google Docs account. I will also be creating a Google Classroom for each of my classes. (This is already in place for my writing group.) Please be sure to respond to the invitations when I send them. We will move to Google Classrooms following the Easter Break. Also, when we “return” from Break on Monday, April 20, I will have hours set up on Google Meet for students who would like to chat about any questions you might have related to your English courses. It should be noted that I will continue to update my blog every Monday.

With the uncertainties that exist as this pandemic continues to change how we do things, your well-being and health continues to be of utmost importance to me. Don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Take care,
Mrs. Pittman

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

One week. . .

We are one week into this school suspension. Time really seems to move at its own pace as the uncertainties of this pandemic have taken hold. One thing we do have control over is how we respond to the ever changing situation and the kindness we can share.

My 3201 students have all had things to work on since the day of the closure last week. As of the evening of March 24th, updates have been made to all of my home  study pages. Please make every effort to be engaged with your learning. Above all else, read! Read for the joy of it or for information purposes. I encourage you to write too. It's never too early (or too late for that matter) to get some practice personal response topics in. I've provided a link to a list of 650 topics on my 3202 page that ALL students can avail of.

I hope you're all doing well.  I miss you all and our routines.

I'm an email away if you have any questions or concerns.

Take care,
Mrs. Pittman

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

We're going on-line! Please read!

Surely you are all aware of our school's suspension of classes for an undetermined amount of time. As Covid-19 continues to impact society, so to will the nature of how schools instruct their students change. It's actually a bit of a strange place to make this transition from teaching you in person to ease you all into some home study. This will look different for the courses I teach. We're far enough into our Shakespeare studies in English 2201 and English 3201 that things should go okay. I'll be sharing the questions and quotation analysis sheets as well as links to audio and video clips and summaries. Drama, Writing, and English 3202 will have weekly plans as well. 

Though my employer has directed me to have work on my web page by March 27th, I started with English 3201 (the Public Exam course) on March 17th. I decided to present those daily plans as they would have unfolded during the regular school days. All other courses will be updated the week of March 23-27. 

To keep this as straightforward as I possibly can, updates will be made on the Home Study for All of My Classes page. It can be found on the main page of my blog or by clicking here.  PLEASE NOTE: I have modified the layout of my web page. ALL class links will now relate to our online study time only. Once we're back in school, it'll be back to the regular format as per usual.

Again, it must be reiterated that classes are suspended and not cancelled. I know what will unfold here can't make up for  It is of the utmost importance that you stay on top of your work as much and as best as you can. I will be available by email to answer any questions you may have. The address as most of you probably know is: (Again, the profile picture is of me and PJ my pug.)

Ultimately, I would love to use google classrooms but I know there are a handful of you who didn't work out the issues with your school email logins.

During this time, please avoid crowds and wash your hands!

I'll miss my time spent in class with you all. I'll be missing the drama club rehearsals, cheer team practices, grad meetings, and my lunch time crew. <3